Sunday, 26 April 2009

Enigma's, Bombe's and FaceTime

The Infosecurity exhibition, held in Earls Court, London is our biggest European event here at FaceTime and this year whilst promoting the company and our products we decided to support Bletchley Park. Until very recently Bletchley Park hadn't received any government funding. It's run as a museum, but runs primarily on charitable contributions.

In the place where the Enigma code was broken, where the war was shortened by at least two years, where, during the war more than 100,000 people worked in complete secrecy at Bletchley Park - from brilliant mathematicians, to linguist, to crossword experts and chess champions. It's the home of modern computing, it paved the way for modern computing, for with Colossus, they gave us the world's first programmable electronic computer.

Fitting then, that in our industry we support and maintain the memory of the momentous history of Bletchley Park not just for us, but for future generations. I drove down to Bletchley today, before I head to London on Monday 27th April to set up for Infosecurity, to remind myself why we're doing this and why we all should care and contribute to this living memorial of intelligence work, computing and cryptography.

You can see some of t
he buildings and the sterling work that the volunteers of the Bletchley Park Trust do everday - from the guided tours (not to be missed), the the slate tiles being sold from the roof of the mansion to fund ongoing repairs, to the rebuilds of the Bombe machines.

I'm very proud to be working with the Bletchley Park team over this next week - and I really do hope that I blow my budget on our campaign. We're donating £10 for everyone who comes to a FaceTime presentation during the Infosecurity Exhibition, and hoping to raise a significant amount for the coffers, but also to raise the profile of one of the most incredible and crucial contributors to the second world war. We have Bletchley Park volunteers on site with us, and also one of the Enigma machines

Join me, Chris Boyd from our research labs, Nick Sears, our EMEA VP and the rest of the EMEA team, as we not only promote FaceTime at Infosecurity, but also ask you to either donate a little of your time, or perhaps the spare change in your pockets to support Bletchley.

See you at stand H92.

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